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Albinea is a foothill locality that stands out for its scenic and natural beauty and for the presence of historic and artistically significant buildings. Additionally, it is a land rich in delicious local products such as wine (Lambrusco and Spergola), traditional balsamic vinegar, Parmigiano-Reggiano, erbazzone, ciccioli, and many other delicacies. Inhabited since prehistoric times, as evidenced by the Tana della Mussina, a tomb from the 3rd millennium, it was in the medieval era that the localities of Borzano, Montericco, and Albinea and their respective hills were united into a single possession, each equipped with a parish church and a castle, and part of a powerful defensive system protecting the territories already under Matilde di Canossa.

With the arrival of the Este family, its territory was enriched with numerous tower houses and later with historic villas such as Villa Sidoli-Rossi, Villa Arnò, and Villa Tarabini, which houses the municipal vinegar factory in its attic. Albinea is lively throughout the year, offering a rich cultural program and numerous itineraries. It is a favored choice for those seeking respite from the nearby city during the summer, loved by many cyclists and cycling enthusiasts for the beauty of its landscapes with breathtaking views over the plains immersed in nature, the hospitality, and the good food.



A symbolic place of the Matildic Lands is Canossa, a precious gem of the Reggio Emilia Apennines and a fertile center of the Val d’Enza. With its castles, it preserves architectural and artistic wonders that blend with the enchanting hilly landscape. A visit to the Regional Nature Reserve of the Campotrera Cliff is not to be missed. This protected area is at the heart of the territory linked to the history of Canossa and Countess Matilde. The Reserve hosts a great variety of animal and plant species and is characterized by an imposing volcanic rock peak on which the Rossenella Tower is located. 

The road leading to the castles is known as “In Salita con il Sorriso” ("Climbing with a Smile") and aims to enhance the Canossan territory with the goal of educating our youth in pure values through sport. The ascent leads to the monument dedicated to Scarponi, a sculpture created by the Stone Sculpture School of Canossa and placed at the Cavandola lookout, which features a splendid view of the Castle of Canossa. The project aims to consolidate over time the values expressed by a great champion of Italian cycling.



Welcome to Carpineti: A Journey Through History and Nature

Welcome to Carpineti. Located among the towns of Reggio Emilia and easily accessible from Modena and Parma, Carpineti is ideal for slow tourism. Recognized by UNESCO as a Man and Biosphere Reserve, it offers history, culture, sports, and gastronomy. With around 200 km of trails, Carpineti is a historical treasure. Starting from the Castle of Carpineti, the routes pass through medieval villages with tower houses and charming churches. The "Via Matildica del Volto Santo," the "Sentiero Matilde," and the "Sentiero dei Ducati" will lead you through enchanting landscapes, ancient monasteries, and abbeys such as the Abbey of Marola. Explore on foot, on horseback, or by E-bike, and relax in our farmhouses, enjoying typical dishes like erbazzone. For accommodations, choose from hostels and farmhouses. Every year, during the last week of August, the San Vitale Fair takes place. In October, the Marola Chestnut Festival celebrates one of our most representative products, attracting thousands of visitors. Since 2020, the Tourist Information Point has been active at the municipal library, where you will find everything you need to plan your stay. Discover Carpineti, where history and nature offer unforgettable experiences.



Casina is pleased to welcome the Granfondo Matildica to its territory.

With the Sarzano Castle, villages, tower houses, and the unmistakable landscape, Casina is ready to host in its laboratory of ancient knowledge, naturalistic assets, and centuries-old architectural treasures.

The network of trails is extensive, and the traveler encounters a sudden variety: from thickets to cultivated fields, from chestnut groves to the system of castles, parish churches, villages, oratories, mills, towers, ancient roads that together constitute the most evident traces of the historical-cultural heritage of the Reggio hills, the heart of Matilde di Canossa’s lands. Along the Granfondo route stands the Sarzano Castle, a historical toponym of an ancient marquisate of the Emilian Apennines.

Casina is also synonymous with gastronomic excellence: our territory is within the production area of Mountain Parmigiano Reggiano, whose production is one of the most typical economic activities of the area. Here, history, conviviality, and the environment combine in the name of beauty and sustainability.

Castelnuovo ne' Monti


Castelnovo ne’ Monti is the capital of the Reggio Emilia Apennines, a role derived from a history with settlements in the most iconic and important place of the territory, the Pietra di Bismantova, dating back to the Neolithic period. Its position as a passageway between the mountain valleys made this area a point of penetration for the Etruscans and Romans, in contrast with the pre-existing Celto-Ligurian populations. However, Castelnovo’s autonomous fate was shaped during the time of Matilde di Canossa, who donated the village to the abbot of the Monastery of Sant’Apollonio di Canossa in 1111. In those years, several fortifications were built, including the "Castrum Novum" on the hill now called "Monte Castello," from which the town’s name is derived. Today, Castelnovo is a territory rich in natural potential and offers a wide range of cultural and sports activities: from cycling to running, athletics, climbing, tennis, and all team sports, with modern and cutting-edge facilities and an ideal environment for outdoor activities.

Quattro Castella


Quattro Castella is a land that connects the plains and the foothills. From its four hills (Montevecchio, Bianello, Montelucio, and Montezane), you can see both the Apennine ridge and the profile of the Alps and the cities along the Via Emilia.

The symbol of Quattro Castella is the Bianello Castle, which attracts tens of thousands of visitors each year and was the preferred residence of Matilda of Canossa. She is celebrated annually by the local districts with the Matildic Parade, one of the most important historical reenactments in Italy. Quattro Castella is a community with a strong cycling vocation: numerous paths cross the territory, forming a network of "soft" and safe routes that connect both with the city of Reggio Emilia and the municipalities of the Reggio Emilia Apennines. There are also two important trails in the area: the "Via Matildica del Volto Santo," which can be traveled from Mantua to Lucca by mountain bike, and the "Sentiero dei Ducati," which, under the constant supervision of the CAI, connects Reggio Emilia with Versilia to Luni via a route dedicated to gravel bikes and one to mountain bikes.

San Polo d'Enza


The municipality of San Polo is located in the foothill area of the Reggio Emilia province. Despite numerous destructions and reconstructions, the area of the San Polo castle still holds significant cultural interest today. From the ancient castle, surrounded by remnants of defensive walls, the drawbridge of the eastern gate is still visible, with its two distinct arched passages. The parish church, which once served as the castle chapel, has no facade, and the entrance door is set into the wall facing the castle courtyard. To the north rises the Romanesque church of Cavillano. The current church retains the original basilica layout; recent excavations have uncovered the ancient underground crypt, revealing remains of medieval frescoes.

Along the provincial road leading to Quattro Castella, is the Montefalcone convent complex, which, according to tradition, was built by Franciscan friars in the early 13th century. 

From an excursionist perspective, the municipal area is crisscrossed by a well-developed network of trails that connect San Polo with the main localities, allowing easy access to historical and cultural sites as well as landscapes that characterize the San Polo territory.




The Municipality of Ventasso is the largest in the province of Reggio Emilia. It was established in 2016 with the merger of the former municipalities of Busana, Collagna, Ligonchio, and Ramiseto, and it occupies the high range of the Reggio Emilia Apennines, between the valleys of Enza, Lonza del Secchia, and Ozola. Here, we find the peaks of Monte Prado and Alpe di Succiso, which exceed 2,000 meters, as well as Monte la Nuda and Monte Ventasso, characterized by prairie landscapes where expanses of wild flora alternate with rocky outcrops. Forests dominate the territory, and medieval-origin villages dot the valleys.

But what is Ventasso? It is undoubtedly nature, sports, history, and good food. Visitors who come here can spend their days exploring the trails, either on foot or by mountain bike, skiing in winter, or relaxing in the wellness centers of hotels or at the Cervarezza Thermal Baths. Most importantly, they can enjoy traditional recipes in local eateries, offering dishes based on mushrooms or meat, as well as the famous tortelli and homemade desserts.



Vetto, with a population of 1,787, is located at 446 meters above sea level and is 43 km from both Reggio Emilia and Parma. Almost certainly of Roman origin, its name derives from "Vectus," meaning transported or conveyed. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the center of Val D’Enza has always been an important transit and connection point between various regions. The first historical document that attests to the existence of Vetto dates back to 1142, a period when, after the Canossa hegemony, it became the property of the Della Palude family. Situated on the Enza River, in a basin at the foot of the Costa and Faille mountains, it is surrounded by chestnut and oak woods and dotted with ancient buildings like "Il Borgo," "Il Castello," and "Cà Boccio," which provide a backdrop to the Church of San Lorenzo. The hamlets also have particular historical value; in fact, Pineto, Legoreccio, and Crovara were considered "small capitals" of the ancient Della Palude fiefdom. The territory of Vetto offers numerous opportunities for outdoor sports activities, hiking, and photographic and nature tourism.


Granfondo Matildica

ASD Cooperatori



via Antonio Marro 2

42122 Reggio Emilia RE

P.Iva 01672740352

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